1. Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the Windows Phone SDK.
2. Launch Visual Studio from the Windows Start screen. If the Registration window appears, you can register the product, or you can temporarily dismiss the prompt.
3. Create a new project by selecting the FILE | New Project menu command.
4. In the New Project window, expand the installed Visual C# or Visual Basic templates, and then select the Windows Phone templates.
5. In the list of Windows Phone templates, select the Windows Phone App template.
6. At the bottom of the New Project window,type the project’s Name.
7. Click OK. In the New Windows Phone Application dialog box, select Windows Phone OS 8.0 for the Target Windows Phone OS Version.
2. Launch Visual Studio from the Windows Start screen. If the Registration window appears, you can register the product, or you can temporarily dismiss the prompt.
3. Create a new project by selecting the FILE | New Project menu command.
4. In the New Project window, expand the installed Visual C# or Visual Basic templates, and then select the Windows Phone templates.
5. In the list of Windows Phone templates, select the Windows Phone App template.
6. At the bottom of the New Project window,type the project’s Name.
7. Click OK. In the New Windows Phone Application dialog box, select Windows Phone OS 8.0 for the Target Windows Phone OS Version.
- When you select Windows Phone OS 8.0 as the target version, your app can only run on Windows Phone 8 devices.
- When you select Windows Phone OS 7.1, your app can run on both Windows Phone OS 7.1 and Windows Phone 8 devices.
- The middle pane contains the XAML markup that defines the user interface for the page.
- The left pane contains a skin that shows the output of the XAML markup.
- The right pane includes Solution Explorer, which lists the files in the project.
- The associated code-behind page, MainPage.xaml.cs or MainPage.xaml.vb, which contains the code to handle user interaction with the page, is not opened or displayed by default.
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