After completing your Android Project, you have to sign it before you upload it.And here in this post we explain
an easy way to sign an apk via eclipse.
Double click the Android Manifest file and and clearly provide the package and version code and version name.
Below that there is link called “use the export wizard”. Click on that.
then another window will open, there select your desired project.
click Next, then you will be asked for a keystore, if you have a keystore file then browse and locate the file.
Create a new one.
If you have a keystore file the after locating the file you have to give the password.
Click on Finish and your APK file will be created in the destination directory.
If you are creating a new one then…
Go through these steps by filling in the details that appear in the dialog.
Clicking on Finish will create your signed APK.
Now Give a location for you signed apk file.- Click finish -> Your signed APK is ready for upload to the market.
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