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Android JellyBean new features

# WI-Fi Direct
# 1080p video recording for stock Android devices
# Improved error correction on the keyboard
# You can directly access the apps from the lock screen
# Upgraded copy and paste functionality
# Support for the WebP image format
# Hardware acceleration of the universal Interface
# Soft buttons from Android 3.x are now available for use on phones
# Widgets in a new tab can be separated, listed in a similar manner to apps
# Folders can easily be created with a drag-and-drop style
# Launcher Customizer
# Enhanced visual voicemail with the ability to speed up or slow down voicemail messages
# Pinch-to-zoom functionality in the calendar
# Integrated screenshot capture (accomplished by holding down the Power and Volume-Down buttons)
# Improved voice integration and continuous, real-time speech to text dictation
# Face Unlock, a feature that allows users to unlock handsets using facial recognitionsoftware
# New tabbed web browser under Google’s Chrome brand, allowing up to 16 tabs
# Automatic syncing of browser with users’ Chrome bookmarks
# A new typeface family for the UI, Roboto
# A data Usage section in settings that lets users set warnings when they approach a certain usage limit, and disable data use when the limit is exceeded
# Shut down apps ability that are using data in the background
# An improved camera app with zero shutter lag, time lapse settings, panorama mode, and the ability to zoom while recording
# Built-in photo editor
# You can organize New gallery layout by location and person
# Refreshed “People” app with social network integration, status updates and hi-resimages
# A near-field communication feature (Android Beam) allowing the rapid short-range exchange of web bookmarks, contact info, directions, YouTube videos and other data
# Android VPN Framework (AVF), and TUN (but not TAP) kernel module.


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