Android is a true multitasking operating system . Android decides that it has sufficient resources it will maintain the app in a background state that can be brought quickly back to the foreground (for example, by clicking on the app's icon, or clicking the Back button---the curved back arrow---on the device). Many phones facilitate multitasking by making it easy to find the applications that have most recently been executing in the foreground.
Install Eclipse and add IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio 7.1.0 . You can follow the following steps : Goto Help > > Eclipse Market Place >> and search for IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio 7.1.0 . and u can add and install thet plugin and get started with ionic - angular app development. You can start the new project and so can add your Environment needed and start development. After creating the sample project you can add ionic bundle folder inside your application so that you get all the necessary features of ionic development. Details and other way of installation is explained here
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